Don't pay any attention to John. He means no harm. It's just his nature to shoot from the hip. See also: hip, shoot McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. shoot from the hip Speak or act recklessly or impulsively, ... SP TKS:By Any Means Basketball In this shooting workout with a college hooper, we decided just making the shot wasn't enough. Check out these three creative drills to help challenge yourself when shooting by you 篮球教学 运动 篮球 三运球 3...
That means it fires in three-shot bursts, unlike the regular assault rifle, making it a bit better for precision shooting. Its damage will fall off at the same range as other assault rifles, according to the ( official patch no...
35 、The trees areshootingbuds early this year.───今年树木抽芽早。 36 、He means business: he really will shoot us if we try to escape.───他不是说著玩的; 我们要是逃,他真会开**。 37 、Whenshootingan arrow, one must aim at the target.───射箭要对准靶。 38 、He spent his...
stand-your-ground laws,Americanlegal statutes that permit the use of deadly force as a means ofself-defensewhen people feel threatened with death or serious bodily harm, as in crimes ofrape,robbery,arson,kidnapping, ormurder. This defense may be successfully argued to avoid prosecution even when...
Shooting Stars: Directed by Chris Robinson. With Marquis Mookie Cook, Wood Harris, Caleb McLaughlin, Avery Serell Wills Jr.. A look at the young life of basketball star LeBron James. Feature film adaptation of LeBron James and Buzz Bissinger's book 'Shoo
Armed Heist 是最激烈的在線第三人稱射擊遊戲。與傳統只能看到槍管的第一人稱射擊截然不同,在第三人稱射擊遊戲中,攝影機是以動態方式主動繞著你的角色旋轉,彷彿你就是搶劫銀行並瘋狂掃射的歹徒!拿起你的武器,一起幹票大的。 版本紀錄 2024年10月17日
Magnum means “more” when applied to the world of shooting, and specifically when it comes to ammunition it translates into more mass per shell. By filling the hull with bigger pellets (and more powder to fire them) you get a heavier load (mass), tighter shot pattern and higher crushing...
What we can see from the last week is this: more guns in the hands of more people means more people get shot. Shot because of poor impulse control–and easy access to guns. Shot because of inadequate (or no) training regarding when and how to shoot–and the ease with which people are...
The price retreats: The small body of the candlestick tells us that by the close of the trading period, most or all of the day's gains were erased. If the body is red (or black in some charts), it means the closing price was lower than the opening price. A small green (or white...