A couple of baton strikes to either the shin or just above the outer aspect of the ankle will do wonders to a person’s desire to comply and rarely causes anything more than a minor injury. This video is a great example of an officer using less force than was needed but more than ...
French remembered finding that he had been shot in the ankle and was bleeding. “I used my windbreaker to make an additional tourniquet as far up the limb as possible to slow it or ensure that another gunshot that I don’t see is restricted from blood flood,” he said. ...
I can still see her, walking with us toward the exit. In the reel that keeps scrolling across my memories, she turns her head and smiles back at us to acknowledge my promise. And then we left,” Kimberly Mata-Rubio said to lawmakers during a House hearing on gun violence. “I left...
Postural control is also influenced by genetically determined reactive strategies such as ankle strategies, hip strategies, and steps strategies [12,13]. Support quadrangle is the basis of postural stability and balance, on which the center of gravity falls perpendicularly [14]. These are optimal ...