including a shoot out at the Mall at Millenia in Orlando, Fla., on Oct. 9, 2020. He also fraudulently applied for and received federal Paycheck Protection Program funds amounting to $10,000. Additionally, the Florida rapper facesattempted second-degree murder chargesfor allegedly...
Two in custody after Fla. mall shootingJESSICA GRESKO
MELBOURNE, Fla. --A shooting Saturday morning at a mall in central Florida left two people dead and one other injured, police said. Cmdr. Vince Pryce told reporters at a news conference that investigators believe that one of the two who died was the shooter, identified as Jose Garcia Rodri...
ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (WJZ) -- The Orioles announced on Thursday that the team has decided not to play its scheduled game against the Tampa Bay Rays as as many teams boycott games due to the unrest following the shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wisconsin....
In this June 11. 2022, file photo, Parkland school shooting victim Joaquin Oliver's parents Manuel Oliver and Patricia Oliver, and Parkland survivor and activist David Hogg, speak to gun control advocates during the "March for Our Lives" rally on the National Mall ...
WINTER HAVEN, Fla.-More than a month after aWinter Havenfather of two wasshot and killed at a pop-up Fourth of July block party, police said the man who pulled the trigger is the victim's uncle. But not all family members are convinced that investigators have the right suspect. ...
The coast guard patrols the St John's river outside of the Jacksonville Landing in Jacksonville, Fla., Aug. 26, 2018. Florida authorities are reporting multiple fatalities after a mass shooting at the riverfront mall in Jacksonville that was hosting a video game tournament. Laura Heald/AP Flori...
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla.-AFloridasheriff’s deputy was acquitted Thursday of felony child neglect and other charges for failing to act during the 2018Parkland school massacre, concluding the first trial in U.S. history of a law enforcement officer for conduct during anon-campus shoo...
It's unclear what kind of security was at the event, which was held at a game bar inside a waterfront mall. Derek Jones of Santa Fe, New Mexico, came to Jacksonville to compete in the Madden tournament and was sitting in a fenced-in patio outside the venue when he heard the gunshot...
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (AP) —A shooting at a video game competition in Florida has left two people dead along with the suspect and prompted calls from gamers for more security at esports tournaments. "It's very clear that we need to be more proactive for 2019 and beyond," tweeted Joey Cuell...