Self Defense Shooting Academy teaches new gun owners to become the protectors of their families. No one is coming to save you. Book a lesson with one of our qualified instructors today!
You have permission to edit this article. There have been no arrests at this time and the investigation is ongoing by PPD. KKK founded. PULASKI, Tenn. (WKRN) - A homicide investigation in Pulaski led investigators to a series of crimes stretching across state lines. We'll be back!! Two ...
Here is what Coach Randy Brown wrote about our FREE THROW TRAINER. Learn about his Academy byCLICKING HERE. "With all of the basketball self improvement gadgets out there today it is difficult to know which of them actually work. In my 34 years of coaching I have rarely come across a pro...
I know it’s not nice to think about, but sometimes you have to make decisions that will save the most people – not necessarily everyone.” It made me want to vomit. But he wasn’t telling me anything I didn’t already know. I like to believe I’d pick the child up out of his...
The gunman behind the deadliest terror attack on U.S. soil since 9/11 wanted to be a correctional officer, but flunked out of the academy after falling asleep in class and making disturbing comments. In April 2007, Omar Mateen joked with a classmate about bringing a gun to class, prompting...
The knives we use are actually designed by the same person who designs the knives for: Rambo movies, Star Trek weapons, The Expendables weapons, Umbrella Academy and more... and we have his permission to have his knives in our logo! The highest of standards at our facility is recognized ...
At Friendship Collegiate Academy, where Steven went to school, 9th Grade academy director, Lauren Johnson, recalls Steven as a “lively,”“giving,” and “sweet” student. He worked hard for his grades and was highly regarded by many teachers and students, she said. ...
s own five-volume history of the period. The series was made possible by a grant from First Interstate Bank of California Foundation. CALIFORNIA DREAMS and producing station KOCE-TV had committed to shot and edit the series on videotape when Ben Shedd, an Academy Award winning filmmaker, ...
Peter Wang was an Army Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps cadet with "a lifetime goal to attend" the U.S. Military Academy, known as West Point, the academy said. He was wearing his JROTC uniform when he was killed at school while trying to help classmates. ...
Paul Krugman has a new column connecting GOP courting of right wing bigots with Trump’s success. A study by the US Army Military Academy at West Point’s Combatting Terrorism Center found that the correlation actually works the other way; the number of GOP congress critters increases...