相比之下,“Shoot It Down”在语气上更为强烈和决绝,带有一种不容置疑的否定意味。因此,在需要表达强烈反对或拒绝时,“Shoot It Down”可能是一个更为恰当的选择。 Shoot It Down的语法结构和词性 从语法结构来看,“Shoot It Down”是一个动词短语,其中“shoot”是动词,“it”是...
The country is full of criminals. Criminals are in every city. Criminals are on every block. They break all the laws. They don't care about the laws. There are thousands of laws. The criminals break all the laws. They laugh when they break t...
动词短语"shoot at"表示力争或向某物射击,"shoot down"则指击落或驳倒,而"shoot for"则意味着争取或努力。在摄影领域,"photo shoot"是一个常用术语,指的是专业的拍照活动。例如,"He grafted a shoot in an old tree"说明了将嫩枝嫁接到老树上的操作,"It only matters if you shoot in th...
Shoot it down!(击落 (Pewww Whip it down!(煽动 (Whippp! light it up!(点燃 (burn light it up!(点燃 (burn Shoot it down!(击落 (Pewww Whip it down!(煽动 (Whippp! light it up!(点燃 (burn light it up!(点燃 (burn 也不是每个故事都会拥有美好剧情 ...
- "shoot at"意味着努力争取或向某物射击。- "shoot down"可以指击落飞机或驳倒某个观点。- "shoot for"表示争取或为某事而努力。- "photo shoot"通常指摄影或专业拍摄。3. 例句:- "He grafted a shoot in an old tree." 他在一棵老树上嫁接了一枝嫩枝。- "It only matters if you shoot...
我满脑子都是shoot it down 雨昕太A了8⃣️[泪][泪]【转发】@影视剧点:#刘雨昕the9队长# #the9成团首秀#刘雨昕618超拼夜《猎》舞台cut:太飒了,主舞担当,实力唱将,shoot it down shoot it down脑门子循环@THE9-...
歌曲名《Shoot It Down (Live At the Batcave)》,由 Tabathas Nightmare 演唱,收录于《Valentine, Prince of Hearts》专辑中,《Shoot It Down (Live At the Batcave)》下载,《Shoot It Down (Live At the Batcave)》在线试听,更多Shoot It Down (Live At the Batcave)
听过(1) 在听 想听 我来写短评 热门 最新 全部 好评 一般 差评 << 首页 < 前页 后页> > HEROINE / SHOOT IT DOWN 表演者: Tabatha's Nightmare 版本特性: 单曲 条型码: tu17529210 发行时间: 1984 唱片名: HEROINE / SHOOT IT DOWN 流派: 摇滚 出版者: Uncredited 介质: 黑胶...