Download & Stream Shogun - Abduction (Original Mix) [Armind (Armada)] in highest quality | Find the latest releases here | #1 source for DJ Sets and more
I updated the first post with new information. I added an example of the file user.script.txt to the download for new players. The UPC-SHO language file is mandatory to display the unit names and descriptions. Unit Pack Compatibility Project - Shogun (UPC-SHO) ...
along with the accompanying 'Armin Only -- Mirage' world tour. The 10 year anniversary and 500th episode of his A State of Trance radio show was celebrated with 5 events across 5 different continents, divided over 5 weeks. All events were broadcast live, uniting millions of listeners, sharin...
In DarthMod: Shogun II you will enjoy a redesigned melee system which makes battles look like real, "really real"! When 2 armies clash, you will notice violent pushes, formation penetrations, heroic 1vs1 melees, as it would look in a real battle of the era. Arrows spread realistically and...