The producer title made a huge difference this time around, he adds. “This story is fictional entertainment, based on a true story and inspired by history,” he says. “To make the story and character believable, we needed to make authentic details.” This meant having a say in how...
Shogun: With Cosmo Jarvis, Anna Sawai, Tadanobu Asano, Hiroyuki Sanada. When a mysterious European ship is found marooned in a nearby Japanese fishing village, Lord Yoshii Toranaga discovers secrets that could tip the scales of power and devastate his en
“Playing this part based on this unparalleled, incredible human being, has been my great privilege – it has been a gift,” she said on stage after collecting the award for outstanding supporting actress in a drama. Hit TV show The Bear also took home a number of wins, including ...
Just like Clavell’s novel, FX’sShōgunis loosely based on real historical figures and events. The original novel adapted the story of William Addams, the first non-Portuguese European to establish trade with Japan, through the journey of the fictional character John Blackthorne. Despite the fict...
Ei's birthday, June 26, is likely based on an incident during the Heian period in the Enchō era. In Enchō 8, on the 26th day of the 6th month, lightning struck the Japanese imperial palace in modern-day Kyoto. Beyond simple fear of losing those closest to her, it is hinted that ...
“Baby Reindeer” is based on a one man-stage show in which Gadd describes being sexually abused along with other emotional struggles. Accepting that award, he said, “no matter how bad it gets, it always gets better.” The Associated Press does not typically ...
“Baby Reindeer” is based on a one man-stage show in which Gadd describes being sexually abused along with other emotional struggles. Accepting that award, he said, “no matter how bad it gets, it always gets better.” The Associated Press does not typically name people who ...
“The Sympathizer,” based on Viet Thanh Nguyen‘s novel, is a satirical tale set mainly in Southern California’s Vietnamese community. The Captain (Hoa Xuande), a spy for the Viet Cong during the war, is sent reluctantly to America to keep a watch on an expatriate general afterward. ...
Shogun《幕府将军(2024)》第一季第七集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,《幕府将军》前情提要 Previously on Shogun. 但她一直对我冷冰冰 She has always been ice. 跟他在一起时 状况就不同了 But... With him, its different. 你说话呀 Say something! 文太郎 看着我 Buntaro!
Based on the legendary play by William Shakespeare, Macbeth brings Michael Fassbender in the titular role of Macbeth. This movie is by far, the best adaptation of a Shakespearean play. Marion Cotillard appears in the role of Lady Macbeth the brains behind the evil carried out by Macbeth. One...