v.“shock”的现在分词 网络令人震惊的;骇人听闻的;雷人 搭配 同义词 adj.+n. shocking news,shocking sight 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 shocking 显示所有例句 adj. 1. 令人气愤的;惹人憎恶的;不道德的that offends or upsets people; that is morally wrong ...
shockingbehaviour 骇人听闻的行为 牛津词典 shockingnews 令人震惊的消息 牛津词典 It isshockingthat they involved children in the crime. 令人发指的是,他们教唆儿童参与犯罪活动。 牛津词典 ashockingwaste of money 令人咋舌的挥霍行为 牛津词典 The house was left in ashockingstate. ...
shocking是什么意思、shocking怎么读 读音:英['ʃɒkɪŋ] 美['ʃɑkɪŋ] 托福 shocking 基本解释 a. 令人震惊的, 极坏的, 不正当的 shocking 网络释义 adj. 令人震惊的;可怕的,令人厌恶的;糟糕的 v. 感到震惊;震动;冲突(shock的ing形式) ...
shocking 英[ˈʃɒkɪŋ] 考点解读 托福 雅思 剑雅词频:1 shocking 常考释义 adj. 令人震惊的;可怕的,令人厌恶的;糟糕的;v. 感到震惊;震动;冲突(shock的ing形式) 雅思常考例句 An action such asshockinga victim, which in isolation appears evil, acquires a completely different meaning when pl...
shocking英音: ['ʃɔkiŋ] 美音: ['ʃɔkiŋ] 副词 可怕的,过分的,不正当的,令人震惊的英英释义 giving offense to moral sensibilities and injurious to reputation glaringly vivid and graphic; marked by sensationalism 访问沪江小D查看shocking的更多详细解释> 词形变化 副词: shockingly ...
The meaning of SHOCKING is extremely startling, distressing, or offensive. How to use shocking in a sentence.
Barone - Shocking
shocking Advertisement shocking adjective(2) Advertisement View synonyms forshocking AmericanBritish [shok-ing] Phonetic (Standard)IPA adjective causing intense surprise, disgust, horror, etc. Synonyms:appalling,startling,astounding,staggering very bad:...
the news的意思是消息,that they lost the game的意思是他们输了比赛,不是一个好消息;hear of的意思是听到,听说,所以,空格处指的是他们听到不好的消息时的心理感受,所以填shocked.3.【答案】shocking【核心词汇/短语】】news消息【翻译】那个令人震惊的消息使我们感到难过。【解析】shock的意思是使震惊; 使惊愕...