widening her eyes and freezing in her seat. And the moment is already going viral, with one fan writing on X, "This about to be a meme for sure." Another quipped, "saving this as a new meme reaction!
Beyonce’s shocked face at winning Best Country Album at the Grammys immediately became a meme Caroline Darney USA TODAY Sports0:00 1:25 AD You never know what to expect when it's a major awards ceremony. Beyoncé took home her first Grammy Award of the night on Sunday for Best Count...
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Öffne und teile dieses GIF musiker, shocked face, geschockt, mit allen, die du kennst. Größe 350 x 260 px. Das GIF wurde von Mezitaxe erstellt. Lade die beliebtesten GIFs bowie, david bowie, horrified, auf GIFER.com herunter.