Shock-bubble interactionShock-induced ignitionShock waveDetonationShock-induced mixingRichtmyer-Meshkov instabilityWe investigate a reacting shock–bubble interaction through three-dimensional numerical simulations with detailed chemistry. The convex shape of the bubble focuses the shock and generates regions of ...
The interaction of a shock wave with a cylinder or a sphere (both referred to as a bubble in this review) is the simplest configuration in which all these processes take place and can be studied in detail. Shock acceleration leads to an initial compression and distortion of the bubble, ...
The numerical results for the slow/fast interaction show that the proposed Mach scaling is valid for M < 2. Above M [congruent with] 2, the topology of the bubble changes due to a competition between the upstream surface of the bubble and the undisturbed shock wave. 展开 ...
The initial conditions promoting a shock-bubble interaction process include weak to high planar shock waves with a Mach number ranging from 1.2 to 3 and isolated cylindrical bubble inhomogeneities of helium, argon, nitrogen, krypton, and sulphur hexafluoride. The numerical results reveal the ...
This paper presents a numerical study of the interaction between a planar incident shock wave with a cylindrical gas bubble. Simulations are performed using an inviscid compressible one-fluid solver based upon three conservation laws for the mixture variables, namely mass, momentum, and total energy ...
Dupont. Dependence between the shock and the separation bubble in a shock wave boundary layer interaction. Shock Waves, 19:499-506, 2009.Debieve, J. F., and Dupont, P., "Dependence Between the Shock and the Separation Bubble in a Shock Wave Boundary Layer Interaction," Shock Waves, Vol....
The interaction with the incident shock wave leads to the bubble deformation and the formation of liquid jet in the final stage of collapse. Higher impulsive pressure is generated in the mercury when the jet impacts the bubble surface. Also, the interactions between an air bubble and a plane ...
In previous study, we successfully revealed that the detonation of silver azide pellets weighing a few mg produced shock wave/bubble interactions in water. The interactions were found to form liquid-jet and effectively penetrate layers of artificial thrombi. In this paper, laser-induced bubble and...
Third, we analyze numerically the fluid–structure interaction associated with the pressure impulse from the toroidal bubble collapse using a multiphysics model. Altogether, our results suggest that although less than one percent of the laser pulse energy is converted to the maximum bubble potential ...
Abstract Using multipoint observations we show, for the first time, thatForeshockBubbles (FBs) have a global impact on Earth׳smagnetosphere. We show that an FB, a transient kinetic phenomenon due to the interaction of backstreaming suprathermal ions with a discontinuity, modifies the total pre...