在Swift中使用shm_open时遇到“变量函数不可用”的错误,通常是因为shm_open是一个C语言库函数,而Swift默认情况下不直接支持C语言的POSIX API。为了解决这个问题,你可以使用以下几种方法: 方法一:使用@_cdecl属性 Swift 5.5引入了@_cdecl属性,允许你在Swift中声明C语言风格的函数。你可以这样使用shm_open...
Issue After upgrading the RHEL to 7.3, KVM VM fails to run with error error shm_open failed, Permission deniedEnvironment Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.3 dracut-network-033-463.el7.x86_64 Subscriber exclusive content A Red Hat subscription provides unlimited access to our knowledgebase, tools, and...
对于manager进程来说,调用shm_open时,需要使用O_RDWR | O_CREAT参数,以确保能新建SHM对象。对于normal进程,需要使用O_RDWR参数,以确保打开已有的SHM对象。 normal进程不需要调用ftruncate函数,来修改共享内存大小。 另外,manager进程需要在调用shm_open前,调用shm_unlink函数,以防止之前由于进程崩溃等原因,残留的shm文件...
{intret = -1;intfd = -1;void* add_w =NULL;//创建或者打开一个共享内存fd =shm_open(SHMNAME, OPEN_FLAG, OPEN_MODE);if(-1== (ret =fd)) { perror("shm failed:");goto_OUT; }//调整确定文件共享内存的空间ret =ftruncate(fd, FILE_SIZE);if(-1==ret) ...
Required information Operating system: Windows Compiler version: All Observed result or behaviour: When iox_shm_open/iox_shm_unlink is called concurrently in Windows it is possible that the underlying std::set openSharedMemorySegments is...
int shm_open(const char *name, int oflag, mode_t mode); //创建或打开一个共享内存,成功返回一个整数的文件描述符,错误返回-1。 1.name:共享内存区的名字; 2.标志位;open的标志一样 3.权限位 int shm_unlink(const char *name); 编译时要加库文件-lrt ...
shm_open() creates and opens a new, or opens an existing, POSIX shared memory object. A POSIX shared memory object is in effect a handle which can be used by unrelated processes tommap(2) the same region of shared memory. Theshm_unlink() function performs the converse operation, removing...