儿童游乐区 位于博物馆二层,设有互动教育类儿童安全驾校、汽车拓片绘画、模型DIY涂鸦和汽车驾驶模拟器等体验项目。 相关活动 “六一”儿童节 「亲子泥塑嘉年华」 了解详情 ©成都三和老爷车博物馆 2020 川公网安备 51010702001884号 蜀ICP备20010985号
Contribution to the geochemistry of crude oils and gases from the mud volcano zone of the keymir-chikishlyar area of western turkmeniaThe paper describes crude oils and gases from mud volcanoes and oils and gases from producing horizons at depth in the same area. It is shown that the mud ...
apparatus for the non-cruble zone melting of refractory metals by an electron beam in vacuum: v ya shlyuko and v d derkach, zavod labor, 11, 1965, 1408.doi:10.1016/0042-207X(66)91398-4ELSEVIERVacuum