ODIN: Out-of-Distribution Detector for Neural Networks This is a PyTorch implementation for detecting out-of-distribution examples in neural networks. The method is described in the paper Principled Detection of Out-of-Distribution Examples in Neural Networks by S. Liang, Yixuan Li and R. Srikant...
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101.shiyuliang对局列表 对局名称执棋对手手数结果对局时间对局地址 P_4238066shiyuliang VS 王子彧王子彧83NoneNone P_4241308shiyuliang VS hly100hly100127NoneNone P_4352591shiyuliang VS 谈峻廷谈峻廷1NoneNone P_4445702黎前锋 VS shiyuliang黎前锋51NoneNone ...
ShiyuLiang/odin-pytorchmaster BranchesTags Code Folders and files Latest commit Cannot retrieve latest commit at this time. History57 Commits code figures README.md Repository files navigation README ODIN: Out-of-Distribution Detector for Neural Networks This is a PyTorch implementation for ...
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Yuliangshi is a Chinese drug derived from the mineral limonite15 Samples of commercial Yuliangshi are obtained from main local habitat. Among which 10 samples are proved as genuine Yuliangshi by morphology, light specificity, quantitative chemical analysis, X-ray diffraction and inductively coupled ...
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