猜你喜欢 non-shivering thermogenisis战栗性产热 reborn and shivering颤抖着,重生了 shivering thermogenesis寒战产热 shivering isles战栗孤岛 in the shivering cold在冷战中惊醒 postanesthetic shivering后寒颤热门查询 bravely canghai tierney sutton 咯咯英文 海德拉英文 strcat United Nations Disarmament Commission 居心...
shivering thermogenesis 读音:美英 shivering thermogenesis基本解释 寒战产热 分词解释 shivering颤抖的v. (因寒冷,害怕等)颤抖,哆嗦( shiver的现在分词 ) thermogenesis生热作用
2) Nonshivering thermogenesis 非颤抖性产热3) fibrillation [英][,fibri'leiʃən] [美][,fɪbrə'leʃən] 纤维性颤抖4) Nonshvering thermo-genesis 非震颤性产热5) jitter [英]['dʒitə] [美]['dʒɪtɚ] 颤抖 1. Aim:To study the relationship of the change of...
(redirected fromshivering thermogenesis) Medical Encyclopedia ther·mo·gen·e·sis (thûr′mō-jĕn′ĭ-sĭs, -mə-) n. Generation or production of heat, especially by physiological processes. ther′mo·ge·net′ic(-jə-nĕt′ĭk),ther′mo·gen′ic(-jĕn′ĭk)adj. ...
必应词典为您提供Shivering-thermogenesis的释义,网络释义: 战栗产热;颤抖产热反应;寒战产热;
英文: SEASONAL CHANGES OF NON-SHIVERING THERMOGENESIS IN FOUR RODENTS FROM KUBUQI DESERT OF INNER MONGOLIA中文: 内蒙古库布齐沙地四种啮齿动物非颤抖性产热的季节变化 英文: His lips were shivering with emotion.中文: 他的嘴唇因情绪激动而微微颤动。
(2) Shivering is the main heat producing mechanism, the absence of nonshivering thermogenesis being implied by both the absence of delay between the onset of shivering (Stt) and the increase in metabolic rate (Lct) and by the linearity of the relationship between metabolic rate and shivering ...
Non-shivering thermogenesisNor-epinephrineWe investigated the metabolic rate of the Tasmanian marsupial, the eastern barred bandicoot, Perameles gunnii, before and after acclimation to cold temperature (5 °C) for a 2-week period. Although body temperature did not change significantly, we observed a ...
Shivering thermogenesis is aimed to prevent hypothermia by increasing heat production. Shivering and voluntary movements compete for common neural circuits (Kleinebeckel, Klussmann, 1990), and this may affect fine and gross performance. Mechanical tremor and elevated muscle tone during shivering may also...