In this paper, we investigate the relationship between accident-related shipping losses on the Great Lakes between 1900 and 1939 and the role the Lake Carriers Association (LCA) played in limiting or preventing such losses. Moreover, we address the relative benefits of private sector effort, ...
In 1679, a French ship called the Griffon left Green Bay on Lake Michigan, bound for Niagara with a cargo of furs. Neither the Griffon nor the five-man crew was ever seen again. Though the Griffon’s fate remains a mystery, its disappearance was probably the result of the first shipwrec...
so I decided to utilize my Santi heated glove system, which has been one of my favorite pieces of gear for diving the Great Lakes. I have always used dry gloves, but my hands would be terribly cold gripping the camera handles for so long. The gloves really help take the edge off, so...
With detailed descriptions and hundreds of photographs, charts, and diagrams that will impress even the most seasoned diver this book will also appeal to anyone who has ever wondered what nautical mysteries lie beneath the waves of the greatest of the Great Lakes. Shipwrecks Along Lake Superior's...
Discovery of the Historic Great Lakes Schooner Trinidad On July 15th, 2023, Wisconsin Maritime Historians Brendon Baillod and Bob Jaeck located the intact remains of the 156 year old schooner Trinidad in nearly 300 feet of water off Algoma, Wisconsin as...more » ...
On the evening of November 10, 1975, the Edmund Fitzgerald sank roughly 17 miles north-northwest of Whitefish Point, Michigan. The 29-member crew went down with it in what has become the biggest shipping tragedy of the Great Lakes. She was recovered by an aircraft belonging to the US Nav...
An estimated 6,000 vessels were lost on the Great Lakes with approximately 1,500 of these ships located in Michigan waters.
Muir schooner was found off the coast of Wisconsin more than 130 years after it plunged to the bottom of Lake Michigan with the captain's beloved dog on board. In April, the Great Lakes Shipwreck Historical Society announced the discovery of the Adella Shores, which sunk to the bottom ...
The majestic SS Edmund Fitzgerald was an American freighter. The ship was launched on 7th June 1958 and was the biggest vessel to ply on the Great Lakes of North America at that time. It carried a cargo of Taconite iron ore from mines near Minnesota to the ironworks in Ohio, Michigan an...
within a few miles of the first discovery. The organization operates a museum in Whitefish Point andregularly runs searchesfor shipwrecks, aiming to tell "the lost history of all the Great Lakes" with a focus on Lake Superior, said Corey Adkins, the society's content and communications ...