A two-masted square-rigged ship, typically having an additional lower fore-and-aft sail on the gaff and a boom to the mainmast. Example Brig These ships can be bought from /warp ships2 Sign Name Brig Required Rank Carpenter Size bounds ...
货舱 货油舱 集装箱舱 冷藏货舱 液化天燃气舱 邮件舱 行李舱 汽车舱 液舱 燃油舱 滑油舱 压载水舱 淡水舱 污水舱 储藏室 帆缆间 油漆间 粮食库 carpenter's store chain locker mast house decontamination room Accommodation, living accommodation Cabin crew's cabin wall top ceiling side ceiling lining ...