At sea, masterful control of thy ship is necessary for survival. Ships have powerful cannons, but they can only fire broadside. To learn seamanship, thou must understand the ways of the water and the wind. - from The History of Britannia (Ultima IV) Visiting island communities requires trav...
Ships, Planes, Places - all have moved, now at This folder is empty Non Cruising Holidays subfolders: 7 Kuwait Photographs of my years in Kuwait, 1960 - 1984 subfolders: 9 and albums: 7 Mum & Dad's Cruises Photographs taken...
You are welcome to copy parts of the survey’s text, Heribert Schroepfer’s aquarelles and the authors’ own photographs, marked HSch, WS or Anton Soelch, FREELY and to integrate them into any non-commercial Web site, including Wikipedia and Wikimedia, on condition that you mention the sou...
(TOP BANNER IMAGE: Samuel Scott / Wikimedia / public domain) The San José, a three-decked galleon approximately 150ft long and armed with 64 guns, sank during a battle with British ships in 1708. It is believed to contain 11 million gold and silver coins, emeralds and other precious car...
———. “SS Edmund Fitzgerald.” Wikipedia. Last modified October 20, 2024. Videos Suggested Reading Andra-Warner, Elle.Edmund Fitzgerald: The Legendary Great Lakes Shipwreck. Adventure Publications, 2009. ...
Moore courtesy of US Navy and archived on Wikimedia Commons.UpthrustArtwork: The weight of a ship pulling down is balanced by upthrust—the pressure of the water underneath, pushing up.Unfortunately, none of this really explains why an aircraft carrier floats! So why does it? Where does ...
Popular wiki articles Cruise Ship Coronavirus/COVID Outbreaks Cruise Ship Refurbishment Schedule Carnival Cruise Alcohol Drinks Prices Cruise Ship Accidents Ship Breaking-Recycling, Old Cruise Ships Cruise Ship Passenger Capacity Largest Container Ships Newest Cruise Ships Cruise Ship Size Comparison, Dimension...
School of Spirits, Serpent's Rise, The Seven Secrets of Dacilane Academy, Sewer Dragons of Absalom, Shadows Fall on Absalom, Skeleton Moon, Slave Ships of Absalom, Sniper in the Deep, Song of the Sea Witch, A Vision of Betrayal, The Wounded Wisp, Year of Immortal Influence (scenario))...
Regardingcruise accommodations, this class of vessels has some of the largest suites at sea - measuring 150 m2 (over 1600 ft2, balcony included). Another signature feature is the 7 "neighborhoods" (theme-park-like areas), 5 large swimming pools, a huge casino, a full-size volleyball/basketba...
The ship was sold in the spring of 2024 to competitor American Cruise Lines at auction. On May 14, 2024, American Cruise Line confirmed it had sent American Duchess to be scrapped, having purchased the vessel for the paltry sum of $200,000. Astor (1987-2020) Astor (Photo: CMV) What...