多次使用(Multiple Item Category Usage in Shipment Cost Document):此项勾选,则可以在装运成本中,可以手工多次增加本项目类别的条目。 维护完成,点击保存按钮( )保存。由于Client配置的不同(使用TCODE:SCC4维护),系统也许会弹出请求号输入对话框,新建或选定一个请求号继续执行。 三.为装运类型分配默认的装运成本...
SAP Managed Tags: LE (Logistics Execution), SD (Sales and Distribution) Hi, I want to create the shipment document in SAP via EDI message from freight forwarder and subsequently update the shipment document(VT02N) statuses via EDI like planned/loaded/shipment end etc... I am reasearching...
Only that seems you give an incorrect access to T-Code: VT01N,should be this: SAP Easy Access> Logistics> Logistics Execution> Transportation> Transportation Planning> Create (VT01N). Former Member 2014 Mar 29 12:50 PM 0 Kudos Hi, Thanks You, yes you're right i have given wrong...
一.说明 在SAP运输流程中,装运单完成后,后续需要创建装运成本(Shipment Cost)凭证。在装运成本中需完成费用维护和科目设定,最终通过采购订单的形式完成服务确认。 在装运成本凭证中,需指定相应的类型,同时每个条目需指定条目类别。装运成本的类型和条目类别的维护在同一路径配置下完成。 本文配置涉及两个路径,其中一...
SAP Managed Tags: SD (Sales and Distribution) vt02n.jpg Hi, In T-code VT02N, I'd like to add a program to a user exit so that it will be called when a shipment has been updated. I'd like my program to be trigerred when my shipment is being saved, and ideally when the Dea...
Table/View V_TZONE The zones you set up here will be used in the master data. The location of each customer and vendor will be identified using the Transportation Zone field on the Address tab in the customer (or vendor) master record. You can also specify the zones f...
As I already indicated, the GR of particular material can be controlled in MM cofig. Account assignment category(TCode OME9) in MM is a key indicating whether an item is to be assigned to an auxiliary account (such as a cost center). Acct Assignment Cat. X - All aux.acct.assgts. Th...
SAP Managed Tags: SD (Sales and Distribution) Hello, Shipping conditions from outbound delivery are not getting copied into Shipment document(VT01N). Please advice where to check (config settings) for shipping conditions to get copy from delivery to shipment document. Thanks Know the answer? He...
perform send_mail_via_sap using g_tfile changing g_subrc. endif. **The following is replaced by the email function if not p_fn is initial. perform get_alv_variant_detail using g_disp_var fieldcat[] layout changing gt_fcat_sav[] ...
SAP Language Here are some common terms that you will see while dealing with LE-TRA in SAP: Forwarding Agent / Service Agent -Agent who provides the transportation, also known as Carrier or Logistic Service Provider. This is usually (but not always) the vendor who will be paid by the frei...