In Shipingcun , Chongqing, nine old women from 66 to 74 work as "shared(共享的)grandmothers". There is a school in Shipingcun. _1_ But on Monday, the school finishes at 3:30 pm. Some parents can't go to pick up(接)their daughters or sons because they are at work at that ...
石屏村实时天气11:06 气温 10℃ 湿度:21% 气压: 风向 3.1m/s 北风转南风小于3级 石屏村今日天气预报 阴 5℃~ 12℃ 风向:北风转南风转北风转南风 风力:小于3级 石屏村未来7天天气预报 日期天气预报气温风向风力 12月20日 星期五阴5℃~12℃北风转南风小于3级 ...
湿度:32% 气压: 风向 0.2m/s 北风小于3级 石平村今日天气预报 阴转小雨 5℃~ 11℃ 风向:北风转北风 风力:小于3级 石平村未来7天天气预报 日期天气预报气温风向风力 12月18日 星期三阴转小雨5℃~11℃北风小于3级 12月19日 星期四多云转小雨4℃~8℃北风转无持续风向小于3级 ...
The team of "shared-grandmas" from the Shipingcun Community in Chongqing's Jiulongpo District includes nine retired women,mostly empty-nesters(空巢老人).They volunteer to take care of 25 kids in the community. Working parents of the children who aren't able to pick up ...
题目难度:★★A team of retired(退休的) women workingas “shared grandmas" in Chongqing is gettingpopular online. They help working parents pickup their children from school and help the kidswith their homework.The team of “shared grandmas" from theShipingcun Community (社区) ...
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西安存储芯片公司嵌入式平台软件工程师招聘工资收入一般多少钱一个月? 100%岗位拿¥15-30K/月,年薪¥18-36W。 按学历统计,本科工资¥20.0K。 按经验,3-5年工资¥17.5K。 就业前景怎么样?市场需求:2024年招聘职位4个,占西安存储芯片公司2.247%。 最新招聘岗位职责工资收入 ...
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重庆公交线路繁多,要到观音桥村,首先要熟悉重庆观音桥村的公交路线情况。从石坪桥西到观音桥村怎么走?图吧公交为您提供石坪桥西及观音桥村的公交驾乘信息,以及石坪桥西及观音桥村的相关信息。让您充分了解从石坪桥西到观音桥村怎么走最方便,得多久,如何乘车,打车费用多少等信息。具体路线如下: ...
DJ101IA-07A是群创光电股份有限公司 (群创,Innolux) 推出的一款采用a-Si TFT-LCD技术的10.1英寸液晶模组产品,它装配有WLED背光,无背光驱动,无触摸。 根据DJ101IA-07A的产品规格书,它的显示分辨率为1280(RGB)×720 (WXGA),宽高比为16:9 (宽:高),像素采用RGB垂直条状排列。它的显示区域尺寸为223.68×125.82 mm...