站在船上,面向船首,左手边既是左舷,站在船上面向船首,右手边既是右舷。 Port and starboard are nautical terms referring to the left and right sides of a ship respectively. The port side is always to the left when one faces the...
In Starboard and port side draft difference measurement unit of the ship, it is possible to prevent leakage of generating and measuring fluid bubbles in the measuring liquid, improves the durability, and is lightweight. In order to measure the draft difference Starboard and port side of the ...
- **C.heaving(纵荡)**:垂荡运动,指船舶沿垂直方向上下移动,也与横向平移无关。 - **D.swaying(横向摇动)**:横向平移运动,即船体整体向左右两侧移动,无旋转,符合题干“moves bodily to port and then to starboard”的描述。 根据术语定义,横向平移的正确答案为**D**。
“Port” is the left side of the ship as you face forward; “starboard” is the right side as you face forward. “Forward” is obvious; “aft” is the rear of the ship. Cruise lines are required to ensure that every passenger knows the safety procedures and has been physically shown ...
then let go both the port and starboard anchors, but the ship continued to drag anchor towards a breakwater. The ship eventually grounded on the breakwater, damaging its hull. It then flooded, sank by the stern, and ended up on the sea bed with its bow above the water. Eleven of the ...
Starboard ROC 1 episode, 2016 Brooklynn Wallace ... Secretary 1 episode, 2016 Jimmy Tang ... Peng Guard 1 episode, 2016 Trevor Scott ... Hayward OOD 1 episode, 2016 Jasmine Hester ... IT1 Redman 1 episode, 2018 Ernie Charles ... Sick Man 1 episode, 2014 Jason Wesle...
This chapter deals with propulsion and argues that ships are predominantly equipped with “simple”screw propellers. Propellers turning clockwise seen from aft are “right-handed.” In twin-screw ships, the starboard propeller is usually right-handed and the port propeller, left-handed. The propeller...
It should be initiated to both starboard and port. 4) Stopping ability (停船性) It is judged using a full astern crash stop maneuver. 5. Turning circle 旋回圈 During trial, it is one of themanoeuvres (操纵). It is indication of the efficiency of the rudder. It is the path of a sh...
shipworm-wormlikemarinebivalvethatboresintowoodenpiersandshipsbymeansofdrill-likeshells teredinid clam-burrowingmarinemollusklivingonsandormud;theshellcloseswithviselikefirmness family Teredinidae,Teredinidae-shipworms teredo-typicalshipworm Bankia setaceae,giant northwest shipworm-giantshipwormofthePacificcoa...
10、s for raising and lowering the anchors. These are the port and starboard cable stoppers制链器 on the forecastle. The cable comes up from the cable locker 锚链舱through the spurling pipe锚链管, over the gypsy 锚链滚筒on the windlass起锚机, through the stopper and the down through the ha...