is composed of a sound evaluation to track the direction of the offense, fog, through continuous monitoring of the external pressure signal Misty sealed in the mission only miracle that offense is a warning in extreme circumstances, such as the situation there is an effect that can recognize the...
The energy was relentless during that summer of ‘93, as I got ready for the start of the school year. I postedMicroship Status Reportsto a growing mailing list of volunteers and observers, spent my days on the horn with sponsors and nautical experts, prowled the diverse San Diego maritime...
boiler bearer 推力轴承座||thrust bearing seating 艏部结构||stem structure 艏柱||stem 艏封板||bow transom plate 强胸结构||panting arrangement 强胸横梁||panting beam 艉部结构||stern structure 艉封板||stern transom plate 艉柱||stern post 舵柱||rudder post 挂舵臂||rudder horn 推进器柱||prope...
blanket v [Tn,] ~ sth (in/with sth) cover sth completely 完全覆盖某物: The countryside was blanketed with snow/fog. 乡村被雪[雾]覆盖著. blare / bleE(r); blZr/ v 1 [I, Ip] ~ (out) make a loud harsh sound like a trumpet 发出像喇叭一样响亮刺耳的声音: Car horns blared...
On 4 February 1910, the steamer Kentucky, set to sail around Cape Horn from New York to Tacoma, Washington, ran into heavy weather outside the Virginia Capes and began to leak badly, faster than the pumps could control. An SOS call summoned the Alamo, which proceeded at top speed to the...