My husband and I drove from NY to Miami for a cruise with msc. We were denied boarding the cruise. They said there was and issue with his documents, but our immigration attorney's office said that we should have been allowed to sail with the documents we had provided. To make matters ...
California Maternal Quality Care Collaborative, Palo Alto, CA, 2011 (avail- able at (accessed July 25, 2013), (cesarian section thought of as safer option when it actually has greater risks and complications than vaginal birth); Villar J, Carroli G, Zavaleta...
Figure 9. Correlation between the ratio of reverse coasting distance to LOA and the sectional coefficient (the light purple area represents the 95% confidence band). 4.2. Following Distance 4.2.1. Vessel-Following Model Based on the data from coasting experiments, the car-following theory is in...
In addition, it needs to be emphasized that when a ship starts to move from a static state in waterways, the solitary wave induced by the ship will also affect the moored ships [2,6,7]. So far, the main methods to investigate the passing ship effects on moored ships include model ...
To compensate for this shortcoming, priority through Borich's needs assessment may be further considered. Unlike the simple difference comparison of the t-test, Borich's needs assessment gives weight to the level of importance, allowing the results to be listed in order [64]. However, even if...
(AS), command ship (CS), submarine (SU), medical ship (MS), combat boat (CB), auxiliary ship (AU), container ship (CT), car carrier (CC), hovercraft (HC), bulk carrier (BC), oil tanker (OT), fishing boat (FB), passenger ship (PS), liquefied gas ship (LG), and barge (BA...
Hydrogen has been assumed to be stored in liquid form in a cryogenic tank, with the aim of reducing the volume and weight for the storage system in comparison to other types of hydrogen storage systems (e.g., compressed hydrogen tanks). It has been assumed that the ferry has enough fuel...
The comparison is brought to attention in Figure 4 for initial roll angles from ∅0 = 2.5◦ to 20◦, step 2.5◦. The comparison shows that the computed results resembles accurately with the measured data, except for a slight discrepancy in the peak points of roll motion response for ...
Challenges will include the effect of the scale (1/50) on the dynamic response and internal mechanics to the fracture propagation process, the corrosion of the outside steel shell on the anti-impact performance of the device, the optimal design of the device, and the comparison/validation with...
Firstly, in the CNN model, low-level features extracted from the first convolutional layer are fed into the top layer via layer-by-layer propagation to generate high-level features. However, the low-level features obtained in the first convolution layer may cause some important low-level ...