There are a few different Sparkling Power sandwich recipes inPokémon Scarlet & Violet, which increase your chances of encountering shiny Pokémon. What recipe you should use generally depends on which shiny Pokémon type you wish to find in the wild. For example, if you want a shiny Charcadet...
Ahead of the game's release, players have beenpostingthe best recipes for encountering certain types! Here's what we have so far. Normal: 1x Chorizo, 2x Salty Herba Mystica Fire: 1x Basil, 1x Sweet Herba Mystica 1x Herba Mystica Water: 1x Cucumber, 2x Herba Mystica Grass: 1x Lettuce...
For example, using Salty Herba Mystica, Sour Herba Mystica, and Lettuce will activate Sparkling Power: Grass, the perfect recipe for seeking out Grass-type Shiny Pokémon. You can mix and match ingredients in any way that you see fit, but most sandwich recipes that grant Sparkling Power ...
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet sandwich recipes to boost shiny rates Here are the sandwich recipes to boost shiny rates for each Pokemon type in the wild: Normal – 1x Chorizo, 2x Salty Herba Mystica Fire – 1x Basil, 1x Salty Herba Mystica, 1x Sweet Herba Mystica Water – 1x Cucumber, ...
To make sandwiches with level three Sparkling Power, you will need to include Herba Mystica as an ingredient, which is tough to get since it only drops from five and six start Tera Raids. For a full list of sandwich recipes for each type, check out this amazinglist put together by The ...
Herba Mystica this way, and combining them in a sandwich can increase your shiny odds for certain types of Pokemon. Some combinations will increase the odds for dragon Pokemon, and some will increase the odds for water, etc. To find a full list of sandwich recipes, you can read ourPokemon...