Found in the Kanto region of Gen 1, the first 151 Pokémon's Shiny variants are all available in Pokémon GO: Bulbasaur Ivysaur Venusaur Charmander Charmeleon Charizard Squirtle Wartortle Blastoise Caterpie Metapod Butterfree Weedle Kakuna Beedrill Pidgey Pidgeotto Pidgeot Rattata Raticate Spearow Fea...
These are all the Pokémon that have shiny versions in Pokémon Go that come from the Alolan region. Alolan Diglet Alolan Exeggutor Alolan Geodude Alolan Grimer Alolan Marowak Alolan Meowth Alolan Raichu Alolan Rattata Alolan Sandshrew Alolan Vulpix Meltan Rockruff Stufful Tapu Bulu Tapu Koko Tap...
RattataWild RaticateEvolution Alolan RattataWild Alolan RaticateEvolution EkansEggs, raids, research encounters ArbokEvolution PichuEggs PikachuEvolution, research encounters, wild RaichuEvolution Alolan RaichuRaids SandshrewWild SandslashEvolution Alolan SandshrewWild ...
rattata.png 2023-11-16 00:05 2.1K regice.png 2023-11-16 00:05 4.6K rotom-heat.png 2023-11-16 00:05 2.6K rotom-mow.png 2023-11-16 00:05 2.7K salazzle.png 2023-11-16 00:05 5.4K sandshrew.png 2023-11-16 00:05 2.2K ...
rattata.png 2023-11-16 00:05 873 rattata-f.png 2023-11-16 00:05 906 rattata-alola.png 2023-11-16 00:05 10K raticate.png 2023-11-16 00:05 1.6K raticate-f.png 2023-11-16 00:05 1.6K raticate-alola.png 2023-11-16 00:05 1.4K ...
was playing through Sould Silver and found a shiny rattata in a patch of grass (caught) memorys still fuzzy so i cant remember the entire thing but i have never seen it again. Reactions: Kanon90 and Clouds Max. Optimizer free to be the greatest Feb 27, 2018 #491 After 5 days of...
The fact that you can go to kanto makes it even better. Sent, enjoy! thetoprattata Feb 4, 2017 #36 Deposited: Level 1 Japanese Magnemite IGN:Nigel Message: Please trade Pokemon with me. Thanks in advance Requested Ditto: Timid- 31/2/31/31/31/31 I love Sinnoh. This is because ...
Alolan Rattata* Pokemon TCG cap Pikachu* Slowpoke* Onix* Magikarp* Eevee* Chansey* Snorlax* Dragonite Spinarak* Natu* Aipom* Numel* Slaking Bidoof* Pidove* Wimpod One-star raids Chansey* Larvitar* Timburr* Wimpod Three-star raids Alolan Exeggutor* ...
0013 = Rattata 0014 = Raticate 0015 = Spearow 0016 = Fearow 0017 = Ekans 0018 = Arbok 0019 = Pikachu 001A = Raichu 001B = Sandshrew 001C = Sandslash 001D = Nidoran 001E = Nidorina 001F = Nidoqueen 0020 = Nidoran 0021 = Nidorino ...
rattata-f.png 2023-11-16 00:05 1.5K rattata-alola.png 2023-11-16 00:05 10K raticate.png 2023-11-16 00:05 2.0K raticate-f.png 2023-11-16 00:05 2.0K raticate-alola.png 2023-11-16 00:05 1.4K rapidash.png 2023-11-16 00:05 6.5K ...