《Shinkage-ryu Sword Techniques Vol.1》是系统介绍心形流剑法的基础教程。作者通过清晰的图文说明与详细的步骤解析,为读者展示了心形流剑法的核心技术与精髓。此书对于剑法爱好者及武术研究者而言,是一本极具价值的学习指南与实践参考。 我要写书评 Shinkage-Ryu Sword Techniques的书评 ··· ( 全部0 条 ) ...
In this episode Thai master of Chinkage Ryu David Dera will tell you about old Japanese Swords fighting called Shinkage Ryu.In this Episode:Origins of Shinkage RyuRanking SystemTypes of equipmentSparring in Shinkage RyuTechniques of Shinkage RyuShinkage-ryū (新陰流?) meaning "new shadow ...
Google Share on Facebook YSR (redirected fromYagyu Shinkage-Ryu) AcronymDefinition YSRYouth Self Report YSRYuvan Shankar Raja(musician) YSRYea, Sewanee's Right(slogan; Univeristy of the South; Sewanee, TN) YSRYeah, Sure, Right YSRSludge Removal Barge(Non Self-Propelled) ...
日本古流剑术 柳生新阴流 Shinkage Ryu Demonstration 4 是在优酷播出的体育高清视频,于2016-01-14 20:09:35上线。视频内容简介:此视频是国内首发
Kata (form) has been of extreme significance in Ryuha (school) from the birth of martial arts. This is because it is the essence of a situation which is a matter of victory and defeat, or life and death. For this reason, I have been studying the Shinkage-Yagyu-Ryu in Owari during ...