Cheats Extras Forum Sales Summary In the eerie Cave of the Past, a mischievous thief tampers with the mystical Stones of Light and Dark. The Stones once imprisoned the Evil of All Ages. Now the deadly Zeon is unleashed. His rage will hurl the galaxy into eternal darkness - unless the Sh...
Cheats Extras Forum Sales Summary In ages long forgotten, Light fought Darkness for control of the world. Finally, the Ancients defeated the evil ruler of the dark forces known as Dark Dragon and cast him into another dimension, though he vowed to return in 1,000 years. As time passed, al...
Once again had they taken the time to develop more of a story they could have had something a little more interesting. It also just became way too easy when you picked the right class (Mage) and maxed out the right skill ASAP (Inferno). This allowed to pretty much beat the game in ...