But almost everyone who tackled Mochizuki's proof found themselves floored. Some were bemused by the sweeping—almost messianic—language with which Mochizuki described some of his new theoretical instructions: he even called the field that he had created 'inter-universal geometry'. “Generally, math...
The article discusses the purported solving of the abc conjecture in arithmetic geometry by mathematician Shinichi Mochizuki. Topics include the implications of the abc conjecture for whole numbers and prime numbers, the length of Mochizuki's proof in relation to his development of the notion of inte...
转自新浪微博 @刘江总编 : 日本京都大学的望月新一Shinichi Mochizuki宣布已证明abc猜想。http://t.cn/zWstSep 如果被同行证实的话,将一举解决一系列丢番图问题包括费马大定理,将是数学界又一大突破。目前包括陶哲轩在内多位知名数学家均已给予正面评价。 http://www.nature.com/news/proof-claimed-for-deep-...
Math Mystery: Shinichi Mochizuki and the Impenetrable ProofDavide CastelvecchiNature magazine