The meaning of SHINGLES is an acute viral inflammation of the sensory ganglia of spinal and cranial nerves that is associated with a vesicular eruption and neuralgic pains and is caused by reactivation of the herpesvirus causing chicken pox —called also
Who Should Get the Shingles Vaccine? Since there's no cure for the herpes zoster virus, your best bet is to avoid getting it in the first place – by getting the two-shot recombinant zoster vaccine called Shingrix. TheCenters for Disease Control and Preventionrecommends the vaccine for ...
Shingrix is generally well tolerated. Still, you may have side effects such as arm pain, headache, or fever for a couple of days after receiving the vaccine. Take it easy and avoid heavy physical activity after your shingles vaccine shot. If needed, an over-the-counter pain reliever, such ...
Eligibility depends on your current prescription insurance coverage. Most insurance policies cover the cost of the vaccine. If you are without insurance or with limited benefits, there may be programs that can help. Visit or call 866-GSK-FOR-U for more information....
The advantage to federal employees for health insurance is the huge number of choices in providers, and the fact that they can choose to continue coverage instead of going on Medicare. As you know, that choice is pricey, and preretirement, it isn't all milk and honey like pundits like to...
One possible downside of the shingles vaccine is that you may experience side effects like soreness near where you got the vaccine,nausea, body aches, or a fever after getting the shot. However, these symptoms should go away on their own within 2-3 days. The protection from shingles that ...
Physicians could be reluctant to recommend the vaccine because of this cost burden, especially if the patient has no insurance. A downside exists for the physicians, too. Euler, an epidemiologist with the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, said that the vaccine must...