Small blisters that appear only on the lips or around the mouth may be cold sores, sometimes called fever blisters. They're not shingles, but are instead caused by the herpes simplex virus. Itchy blisters that appear after hiking, gardening, or spending time outdoors could be a reaction to ...
The termshinglesis derived from the Latin and French words for belt or girdle, reflecting the distribution of the rash in usually a single broad band. This band is only on one side of the body in the large majority of people and represents a dermatome -- the area that a single sensory ...
The location of the shingles rash can vary. Though shingles can appear almost anywhere on the body, it most commonly affects the torso and the face (including the eyes, ears, and mouth). It is often present in the area of the ribcage or the waist. This characteristic rash is in a str...
Shingles is one of the many strains of the herpes virus that can reside in a dormant state in the human body. If you recall, other strains of the herpes virus can cause cold sores and blisters around the face and mouth, genital herpes, and chickenpox. A child that has been infected wit...
Avoid touching the rash area. You can also prevent spread by washing sheets and clothing of infected per- son in hot soapy water daily, and washing hands often when around someone with shingles. Can you get shingles from being dirty? Though often attributed to an accumulation of dirt, defecti...
Shingles—officially known asherpes zoster—is an infection of a nerve and the area of skin supplied by the nerve. It is caused by thevaricella zoster virus, a virus in the herpes family that also causeschickenpox. After a person has chickenpox, some virus particles remain inactive in the ne...
The rash usually occurs in a narrow region from the spine around to the anterior part of the chest or the belly area. The rash may also involve the face, eyes, mouth and ears. Other Symptoms of Shingles or Herpes Zoster are: Pain in the abdomen. ...
(1,2) * Herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1) generally occurs around the mouth. Herpes simplex virus-2 (HSV-2) is generally a genital rash. (Our patient was not aware that she'd had a genital primary HSV-2 infection.) That said, non-genital recurre...
Varicella encephalitis is similar to measles encephalitis and other post-infection encephalitis, which is manifested as the demyelination changes around the blood vessels. Analysis of etiology and pathogenesis of TCM Traditional Chinese medicine considers the disease to be an exenteral evil, with more ...
Usually the rash develops on either the left or right side of the torso, but it may also show up near the eyes — ocular shingles — mouth or ears. It is especially important to contact a doctor if shingles affects the area near the eyes (x). Itching As if the pain is not enough,...