11222The connections are available also on the opposite side of the printed circuit board. Page 4 of 8Shine Plus Mini Ana User ManualVersion 0.0.3The connections marked with 1 and 2 have to be connected to the DC/DCC track voltage through the use of the current pickups of the ...
Shine On Job At 50-Plus.Forty-six weeks out of the year, Bob Dunn is just an older man with a white beard. But around Thanksgiving, he transforms. At the Sooner Mall in Norman, Okla., they call him Santa Claus. [ FROM PUBLISHER]Amy...
Chinese paddlers also swept two golds on offer as Sun Yingsha beat Japan's Hina Hayata to take her first women's singles Asiad title, while her compatriots Fan Zhendong and Wang Chuqin won the men's doubles gold medal. Sun, who had won all of her ten international matches against Hayat...
[译] Ruby on Rails 指南(基于 Rails 4.1) Rails 开源项目网站 Ruby Web 性能测试报告 (Brian Knapp) [PDF] JRuby 的一些难题 (headius) Ruby 入门教程 (Steve Klabnik) God 使用手册 (rocLv) Rails Variants 小贴士 (lanvige) Rails 3.2 升级到 Rails 4 中遇到的问题 (warmwind) Ruby on Rails 教程(...
display. It’s like a high-tech glass sandwich that’s bonded to the OLED panel with optical resin. The ‘filling’ consists of a lenticular lens layer that directs the stereo images separately to each eye, and a switchable liquid crystal layer that lets you turn the 3D effect on and ...
PoDoFo - A library to work with the PDF file format. [LGPL] Poppler - Open-source multi-backend PDF rendering library based on the xpdf-3.0 code base. [GPLv2/GPLv3] Xpdf - Xpdf is a free PDF viewer and toolkit, including a text extractor, image converter, HTML converter, and more. ...
1) the buttons are a bit stiff, but it's something you learn to get used to 2) the autofocus is a little slow, so when the image is actually taken, you really can't move, (it's a camera phone, and it has autofocus, don't expect it to be on par with today's digicameras) ...
der kommer først NO *Det som skjer først FI *Kumpi tapahtuukaan ensin IS *Sama hvort gerist fyrst ET *Kumb on varasem LV *Neraugoties uz to, kurš ir pirmais LT *Atsižvelgiant į tai, kas įvyksta pirmiau RU *Смотрячтонаступитранее UK *З...
This can be explained by the presence of radial flow, based on simple hydrodynamical models [68,69] where one obtains a 1/R2 ∝ mT type of transverse mass dependence: A R= √ . 1 + mT /B (23) This function was fitted to the R values measured in each mT bin, as shown in Fig....
Here, we characterize a previously undescribed phenomenon of apparent light emission from the eyes as a new type of eyeshine. It is generated by ambient light that passes through the dorsal cranium and the extra- and intraocular sections of the optic nerve (ON) into the eye. There it is em...