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(2009) Thermal Entanglement of a Two-Qubit XXZ Heisenberg Chain with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction. Communications in Theoretical Physics, 52, 817. http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0253-6102/52/5/10Qlan, L., and Fang, J.-X. (2009) Thermal Entanglement of a Two-Qubit XXZ Heisenberg Chain ...
Ma, X.S., Zhao, G.X., Zhang, J.Y., Wang, A.M.: Tripartite entanglement of a spin star model with Dzialoshinski-Moriya interaction. Quantum Inf. Process. 12, 321-329 (2013)Ma, XS, Zhao, GX, Zhang, JY, Wang, AM (2013) Tripartite entanglement of a spin star model with Dzialo...
Ma X S, Zhang J Y, Cong H S, et al. Effect of Dzialoshinski-Moriya interaction on thermal entanglement of a mixed-spin chain. Sci China Ser G-Phys Mech Astron, 2008, 51(12): 1897--1904MA;XiaoSan1↑;ZHANG;JiaYan1;CONG;HongShou1;&;WANG;AnMin2;1;School;of;Electric;Engineering;and...
Ma X S, Zhang J Y, Cong H S, et al. Effect of Dzialoshinski-Moriya interaction on thermal entanglement of a mixed-spin chain. Sci China Ser G-Phys Mech Astron, 2008, 51: 1897–1904 ADSXiaoSan Ma,JiaYan Zhang,HongShou Cong,AnMin Wang.Effect of Dzialoshinski-Moriya interaction on ...
Physica A Statistical Mechanics & Its ApplicationsMa, X.S., Cheng, M.T., Zhao, G.X., Wang, A.M.: Phys. A 391 , 2500 (2012) View ArticleX.S. Ma, M.T. Cheng, G.X. Zhao, A.M. Wang, Physica A 391 , 2500 (2012) ADS...
Ma, X.S.Cheng, M.-T.Zhao, G.-X.Wang, A.M.Physica, A. Statistical mechanics and its applications