网络释义 1. 新鸟栖 新干线-站的照片 ... 博多 Hakata新鸟栖Shin-tosu久留米 Kurume ...|基于2个网页 2. 新鸟栖站 ...燕子(Tsubame)334号」,由鹿儿岛中央站到新鸟栖站(Shin-Tosu),转搭加班(笔者到九州是日本黄金周期间)的782/783系特急 … ...
togun tosu a circular tore tora f fire [*] toreï torei torey n sun [‘great fire’] toro toro a hot, warm torun a fiery totoxim toteuse totöki v be too much [intensive of ‘be enough’] totoxou totosu n overabundance, excess, surfeit totoxuri tosaur a overabundant, exces...