翻译 shin splints释义 [医] 外胫夹(运动员在趾长屈肌劳损后,沿胫骨出现疼痛现象) 英英释义 Noun 1. painful inflammation of the muscles around the shins; frequent among runners 释义 英英释义
Define shinsplints. shinsplints synonyms, shinsplints pronunciation, shinsplints translation, English dictionary definition of shinsplints. also shin·splints pl.n. A painful condition of the shins caused by inflammation of muscles and connective tissue,
shinsplints/'ʃin,splints//ˈʃɪnˌsplɪnts/ 添加到生词本 英汉-汉英词典 n. 夹(指 径运 部发炎及酸痛) 用户正在搜索 mantras,mantua,Mantuan,Manu,manu-,manual,manual fixture,manual labour,manual-acting,manualism, 相似单词 shinny,shinomycin,shinplaster,Shin-Sanbetsu,shin-sock,shinsplin...
胫骨内侧应力综合征(夹胫痛 、Shin Splints) 胫骨内侧应力综合征(medialtibialstresssyndrome)主要是由于小腿胫骨后肌肉反复过度牵拉胫骨内后骨膜,局部应力高而引起的疼痛。这些应力既来源于外力(缓震不足,冲击过大),更来源于肌肉自身对骨膜的牵拉作用力。 症状与体征 1、表现在小腿前侧或者后内侧中下段(内踝上小腿下...
shin splints的中文意思 沪江词库精选shin splints是什么意思、英语单词推荐、用法及解释 【医】 外胫夹(运动员在趾长屈肌劳损后,沿胫骨出现疼痛现象) 英语解释 painful inflammation of the muscles around the shins; frequent among runners 相似短语 shin splints【医】 外胫夹(运动员在趾长屈肌劳损后,沿胫骨...
shin splints, shinsplints answers are found in the Taber's Medical Dictionary powered by Unbound Medicine. Available for iPhone, iPad, Android, and Web.
胫骨疼痛是一种容易在反复过度跑跳的情况下引起的损伤。 Shin意为胫骨,又称“迎面骨”。胫骨疼痛是传统病名,人们对其有各种解释,内容并不确定,也称过劳性(胫骨)骨膜炎、过劳性胫部疼痛、胫骨内侧综合征等。…
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shin splintsnpl(internal damage to front lower leg)SCSimplified Chinese胫骨骨膜炎 SCSimplified Chinese胫骨损伤 SCSimplified Chinese胫痛 标题中含有单词 'shinsplints' 的论坛讨论: 标题中没有含有单词 'shinsplints' 。 访问Chinese 论坛。 帮助WordReference:在论坛上提问。
ShinsplintsProvides advice from Phil Dunphy on shinsplints. Looking at the bottom of your shoes to pinpoint a problem with your stride; Tips from David Balboa, co-director of The Walking Center of New York City on how to improve your walking form.Body Bulletin...