The movie was co-written and executive produced by creator Craig Bartlett. The movie features original voice cast members Francesca Marie Smith (The Prince of Egypt) as Helga and Anndi McAfee (Tom and Jerry: The Movie) as Phoebe, alongside dynamic new voice talent Mason Vale Cotton (Mad Men...
See Shimmer and Shine's production, company, and contact information. Explore Shimmer and Shine's box office performance, follow development, and track popularity with MOVIEmeter. IMDbPro — The essential resource for entertainment professionals.
70837 shimmer & shine sparkle spa building set! full of surprises to capture kids’ imaginations, this spa toy playset includes a lever-operated revolving wall to play out balthazar's transformation into a vampire bat and a hot tub with a trapdoor function. fans of the lego movie 2 will ...
The air was muggy, a heatwave burning through the spring, on the night that we met to conjure two people out of almost nothing at all. None of us could’ve done it without the others, and none of us would’ve dared, except Mason said please and I said maybe and Jun said we could...
My daughter loves all her little Shimmer and Shine dolls and couldn't wait to get Beach Leah. She loves her, but the sandals she comes with do not fit properly and fall off her little feet. We have lost (and found) them several times due to them just coming off. unhappywithbeachleah...
He had all the old ones too, but the old ones were like a movie you’d watched a million times. You can recite all the lines and visualize all the plot points, but it’s just this story you heard. It’s just make-believe. Once upon a time, a very bad man killed a lot of ...
官方原文:Kids can role-play as Washed-out Wyldstyle, LEGO® spaceman Benny and other colorful characters with THE LEGO MOVIE 2™ 70837 Shimmer & Shine Sparkle Spa building set! Full of surprises to capture kids’ imaginations, this spa toy playset includes a lever-operated revolving wall ...
Movie Poster Art Picture Frame Led Light Box 24x36decorative wall panelsgrc wall panelpolymer wall panelsCYDISPLAY 46mm B2 Silver Aluminum round Corner Quick Change snap open poster advertising frames B2 Front Loading Poster FramesD-SW001 Wholesale shine wall high quality 30x30cm shimmer sequin wall...
I can remember all those nights in supermarket parking lots or under movie theatre marquees, when he had followed me somewhere on the bus because he just had to be sure.“I’m such an idiot, Joan,” he would cry. “I always knew I’d do something stupid like this and make you ...
But I guess at the time I was more figuring, maybe I just remembered the movie real well because when I saw it growing up and Casper turned into a real human kid at the end it made me go fuck, well, I might be into guys. We met at this gay bar that Logan likes that’s ...