Ahoy, Genies!: With Alina Foley, Eva Bella, Isabella Crovetti, Ellie Simons. When Leah's bucket full of beach treasures floats into the vast ocean, Leah summons Shimmer and Shine to help her retrieve the loot.
Shimmer and Shine are so thrilled to receive the Green Burst Gem from Princess Samira that when they visit Leah, they take the gem along to show it to her. 8,3/10Bewerten Am besten bewertet Mi, 29. Juni 2016 S2. E4 Mermaid Mayhem/Snow Place We'd Rather Be When Shimmer and Shine ...
Genie Treehouse: Réalisé par Jay Baker, Scott O'Brien, Bill Speers, Fred Osmond, Dave Palmer. Avec Eva Bella, Isabella Crovetti, Blake Bertrand, Alina Foley. Leah and Zac try building a treehouse but find themselves in over their heads. Leah asks her g