Shop Shimano Bike Components at evo. Best selection, authentic reviews, and helpful humans. Enjoy Fast FREE SHIPPING on qualifying orders and our Lowest Price Guarantee.
The best components on your favourite bike brand Discover Shimano equipped bikes with this selector GO TO BIKES #SHIMANOROADFollow Us 1.7K 5 Know your bergs! Where is MVDP putting the hammer down: at the Paterberg, Koppenberg, or Oude Kwaremont? #ShimanoROAD #MathieuvanderPoel #RondevanVla...
Confidence comes from trust in your components. Choose to ride with a hundred years of cycling engineering on your side. Find YOUR Fast with the groupset that matches how and where you ride. #ShimanoRoad #RideShimano #Di2 #FindYOURFast #Ultegra ...
Introducing the ultimate MTB race components: XTR M9100 Series. 27 years of development for XC, enduro, and marathon racing, offering unrivaled performance.
Shop Sale & Outlet Shimano Bike Components at evo. Best selection, authentic reviews, and helpful humans. Enjoy Fast FREE SHIPPING on qualifying orders and our Lowest Price Guarantee.
Shimano is a global producer of bicycle components, softgoods, and accessories. No matter if you are a road racer, mountain biker, gravel rider, commuter or if you ride your bike for recreation: Shimano products improve your performance and make cycling more enjoyable. Distance...
The best components on your favourite bike brand Discover Shimano equipped bikes with this selector GO TO BIKES #SHIMANOROADFollow Us
en-GLOBAL BIKE SELECTOR DEALER LOCATOR FIND YOUR NEAREST DEALER We are dedicated to providing the best service possible. With more than 3000+ Shimano Service Centers and many more Shimano dealers worldwide. Professional support is always around the corner. ...
Whether you’re looking for a full suspension enduro MTB, E-MTB or an ultrafast cross-country hardtail, you’ll be able to find a bike with these group sets at different price levels. Have a look at some of these bikes on this page and stay tuned for mor
Whether you’re looking for a full suspension enduro MTB, E-MTB or an ultrafast cross-country hardtail, you’ll be able to find a bike with these group sets at different price levels. Have a look at some of these bikes on this page and stay tuned for mor