The TOC-L analyzer is powered by Shimadzu’s 680 °C combustion catalytic oxidation method, which can effectively oxidize even challenging organic compounds like insoluble and macromolecular samples. This technology supports an extensive measurement range from 4 μg/L to 30,000 mg/L, suitable for ...
We are sticking with the SHIMADZU TOC analyzer hereafter. What are the advantages and benefits of TOC-V? The main advantage of the SHIMADZU TOC-V is its high oxidation efficiency of organic compounds. We have always been very comfortable with the catalytic oxidation technique. Please let us ...
and has since grown to become the second largest industrial Saudi Company and the second largest producer of titanium dioxide in the world. Today, we visited the QC laboratory of TASNEE to interview Mr. Hadi Al Dossary and Mr. Jaber Al Naqi about the SHIMADZU TOC-L analyzer they are using...
Discover insights and innovative solutions from Shimadzu, tailored to your needs. Visit Shimadzu today for more.
The key point about a TOC analyzer is whether it can efficiently oxidize hard-to-decompose insoluble and macromolecular organic compounds, not just the easily decomposed, low molecular weight organic compounds. The 680°C combustion catalytic oxidation method, developed by Shimadzu and subsequently sprea...
eTOC series On-Line TOC Analyzer from Shimadzu Scientific Instruments The first Shimadzu eTOC, the TOC-1000e has very high sensitivity and low detection limits, reaching 0.1 µg/L, making it perfectly suitable for ultra-pure water measurement. Combined with...
Solutions for trace pesticides in complex matrices such as soil or sludge, volatile and semi-volatile organics in water, or analysis of TOC using our TOC analyzer
TOC和 PPSQ)的数据,可以通过服务器进行管理。 客户PC端 实验室或办公室 *2 iPad *3 LabSolutions务器 获取数据的PC *1 LC GC LCMS ICPMS UV FTIR RF Thermal analyzer PPSQ™ 天平 安捷伦LC 安捷伦GC GCMS AA TOC Powder and particle size analyzer ...
TOC和 PPSQ)的数据,可以通过服务器进行管理。 客户PC端 实验室或办公室 *2 iPad *3 LabSolutions务器 获取数据的PC *1 LC GC LCMS ICPMS UV FTIR RF Thermal analyzer PPSQ™ 天平 安捷伦LC 安捷伦GC GCMS AA TOC Powder and particle size analyzer ...
TOC和 PPSQ)的数据,可以通过服务器进行管理。 客户PC端 实验室或办公室 *2 iPad *3 LabSolutions务器 获取数据的PC *1 LC GC LCMS ICPMS UV FTIR RF Thermal analyzer PPSQ™ 天平 安捷伦LC 安捷伦GC GCMS AA TOC Powder and particle size analyzer EDX Combine with Multi-Data Registration license to ...