offers a unique perspective in the management of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). One such herbal preparation is Zushima Tablets, which is gaining attention for its potential benefits in RA treatment. This article delves into the basics of RA, the role of Zushima Tablets, and how they can be integ...
网络祖师麻注射液 网络释义 1. 祖师麻注射液 天麻素注射液,Gastrodin... ... ) Tianxiong injection 天芎注射液 )Zushima Injection祖师麻注射液...|基于 1 个网页
Chemical and Pharmacological Advances of the Study on Zushima Objective:To review the progress in the research of the active ingredients of Zushima and their pharmacological activities.Method:Base on the articles of t... LI Shu,WU Li,H Yin - 《China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica》 被引量...
汉语拼音 Zushima Fengshi Gao 【主要成份】祖师麻、羌活、细辛、白芷、防风、独活、当归、赤芍、牛膝、天南星、麻黄、草乌等24味。 【性状】本品为摊于布上的黑膏药。 【功能主治】追风散寒,舒筋活血。用于筋骨疼痛,四肢麻木,腰膝疼痛,风湿关节肿痛及筋骨劳损,跌打后痛、麻、胀诸症。
ChemicalBook provide Chemical industry users with Zushima Extract Boiling point Melting point,Zushima Extract Density MSDS Formula Use,If You also need to Zushima Extract Other information,welcome to contact us.
2) Zushima injection/ther.Use 祖师麻注射液/治疗应用3) Girald Daphne Bark fumigant 祖师麻熏洗液 1. OBJECTIVE: To determine the content of Daphnetin in Girald Daphne Bark fumigant by TLC-UV Spectrophotometry. 目的:建立以TLC-UV法测定祖师麻熏洗液中祖师麻甲素含量的方法。
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Synonyms:Zushima (Daphne tangutica) Reference herbs CAS: MF: MW:0 EINECS: Mol File:Mol File Information Error Report Your Email: Browse by provinceZushima (Daphne tangutica) Reference herbsSuppliersGlobal suppliers Beijing(1)Member(1)All(1) ...
拼音名:ZushimaGuanjieZhitongGao 标准编号:WS3-B-3455-98 【处方】 祖师麻 樟脑 冰片 薄荷脑 水杨酸甲酯 苯海拉明 二甲苯麝香 【性状】 本品为淡黄色的片状橡胶膏;气芳香。 【鉴别】 (1)取本品2片,置蒸发皿中,加氯仿50ml,搅拌,使药膏与衬布分离,除去衬布,置水浴上浓缩至稠膏状,加入乙醇10ml,搅拌,取乙醇...