The scripted comedy Golf has received a 10-episode order. In his first TV comedy series, Ferrell stars as a fictional golf legend, and Youssef will also play a role. The series was created by Will Ferrell, Ramy Youssef, and Josh Rabinowitz. Youssef and Rabinowitz are showrunners and ...
The Jolie-Pitt kids keep it all in the family ... At least when it comes to fashion. For the second time in a week, Shiloh Jolie-Pitt is makinga red carpet fashion statement. At Marvel's "Eternals" London premiere on Wednesday, the 15-year-old walked the red carpet alongside her fa...
They might be members of that very band of Skelly's which had already made so much trouble for both sides, and he summoned all his faculties in order to meet them at any game that they might try to play. “I've been on land business in the mountains,” he said, “and I'm ...
They wished to see the men who were going to shoot at them, in order that they might have a fair target in return. Fighting in the night was scarcely fair. One never knew what to do. But Thomas, the future “Rock of Chickamauga,” was already showing himself a tower of strength. ...