美[ˈʃɪli ˌʃæli] 英['ʃɪli .ʃæli] n.磨蹭;支支吾吾;游移不定;踌躇不决 adj.踌躇不定的[地];优柔寡断的[地] 网络犹犹豫豫;犹豫不决;扭扭捏捏 第三人称单数:shilly-shallies现在分词:shilly-shallying过去式:shilly-shallied ...
shilly-shallying中文翻译 v.犹豫不决,优柔寡断;磨蹭,拖延(shilly-shally的现在分词) shilly-shallying是什么意思 网络 犹犹豫豫; 犹豫不决; 扭扭捏捏 shilly-shallying词态变化 原级:shilly-shally 词组短语用法例句 1. It´s time for Brooke to stop shilly-shallying. 是布鲁克停止犹豫不决的时候了。
shilly shallying[ shilly-shally ]的现在分词 shillyadv.=shyly shilly shallier[ shilly-shally ]的相关名词 shilly shallied[ shilly-shally ]的过去式 shilly shallyvi. 犹豫不决,游手好闲 n. 犹豫不决 a. 犹豫不决的 ad. 犹豫不决地 shilly shallies[ shilly-shally ]的复数形式 ...
词条shilly-shallying在德语 » 英语中的译文 (跳至 英语» 德语) 参看文本翻译 das Hü und Hott 俗 the shilly-shallying 俗 互联网提供的例句(未经PONS编辑处理) Leadership runs in your blood. You are self confident, energetic and determined to reach your goals and if it is up to you, ...
Define shillyshallying. shillyshallying synonyms, shillyshallying pronunciation, shillyshallying translation, English dictionary definition of shillyshallying. n hesitation; vacillation Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition
Shilly-shallying : Which variables do teachers feel they need to take into account in their choice of literary elements in the subject of Swedish in secondary schools?Alexander Rolf Emanuel Olsson
Present participle of shilly-shally. [..] + 添加翻译 英文-凯尔特文字典 hockyans langbot ow hockya langbot yn unn hockya langbot 显示算法生成的翻译 用户已删除了“ shilly-shallying”的某些译文。单击以显示它们。 类似于 "shilly-shallying" 的短语,可翻译成 凯尔特文 shilly-shally ...
Stop shilly-shallying, enjoy Guizhou’s grand bridges 【开栏的话】 夏季,毋庸多言,是贵州的旅游旺季。文化多彩、风物独特的贵州,可玩性太高。是一场色彩斑斓的多彩民族之旅、一趟登高远眺的拥抱大自然之行,还是一次走街串巷的city walk?有些眼花缭乱、难以抉择?