“ If you only do what you can do, you will never be more than you are now. —Shifu, Kung Fu Panda 3 Master Shifu is one of the main supporting characters of the Kung Fu Panda franchise, making his debut in the first film as the secondary antagonist. He is the current senior ...
Anime character Shifu is a character from Kung Fu Panda. Due to being indexed as a Animal character type, they do not have visual traits assigned. TraitAppears asOfficial Gender Unknown Eye Color Unknown Hair Color Unknown Hair Length Unknown Apparent Age Unknown Animal Ears Unknown ...
Master Shifu, voiced by Dustin Hoffman, is an integral character within the "Kung Fu Panda" franchise, providing wisdom and guiding the next generation of great warriors within the Furious Five, as well as Po (Jack Black). Amid all the tough love and jokes, there's one nagging question th...
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Kung-fu Panda - Let You Go / Jim Yosef (Festive) 155 人观看 3:33 Tigress & Po - Mañana / Alvaro Soler Cali Y El Dandee 31 人观看 4:00 Tai Lung, Lord Shen, Kai - Legends Never Die / Against the Current 1.2千次浏览 0:09 Шифупризнаётсявлюбви...
据说联合国文件翻译成各种文字,其中中文版本是最薄的。平时也经常看到一些汉译英的句子或段落,两相对比之下英语大多比汉语长。 看电影Kung Fu Panda的时候发现有很多小词却包含非常丰富的意思,简直1个词顶10个词,细品之下,真是让人爱得不行: 1. ---We should hang out. 咱们找乐子去。
所属专辑:原声大碟-功夫熊猫 Kung Fu Panda 1 音频列表 1 08. Sacred Pool Of Tears 163 2024-02 2 09. Training Po 126 2024-02 3 10. The Bridge 128 2024-02 4 11. Shifu Faces Tai Lung 117 2024-02 5 12. The Dragon Scroll 118
所属专辑:原声大碟-功夫熊猫 Kung Fu Panda 1 喜欢下载分享 用户评论 表情0/300发表评论 暂时没有评论,下载喜马拉雅与主播互动音频列表 1 06. Accu-Flashback 1502024-02 2 07. Impersonating Shifu 1272024-02 3 08. Sacred Pool Of Tears 1382024-02 4 09. Training Po 1072024-02 5 10. The Bridge 1082...
Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness Kung Fu Road Trip The Dragon Warrior and the Furious Five aren't getting along! Master Shifu has an idea to stop their bickering. Can a kung fu road trip to the Secret Museum of Kung Fu bring the gang closer together? Based on a favorite episode...