Darrel 'Shifty' Powers 演员 关注 代表作 我们孤胆,我们并肩 粉丝 暂无 累计票房 暂无 介绍 身份 演员 作品 (1部) 2001年 我们孤胆,我们并肩 演员饰:Himself
Variations:A 2011 version of this item opened with the statement that Shifty Powers died on17 January2011. This is incorrect: as noted below, he passed away on17 June2009. Origins:The name of SSgt. Darrel 'Shifty' Powers should be familiar to anyone who has read the 2001 Stephen Ambrose ...
Darrell 'Shifty' Powers(1923–2009) Darrell 'Shifty' Powers was born on March 13, 1923 in Clinchco, Virginia, USA. He is known for Band... Born:March 13, 1923 Died:June 17, 2009(age 86) Did You Know Trivia American soldier who participated in the D-Day invasion in WWII. ...
介绍 Darrell 'Shifty' Powers was born on March 13, 1923 in Clinchco, Virginia, USA. He died on June 17, 2009 in Dickenson County, Virginia. 别名 Shifty Powers 出生日期 1923-03-13 出生地 美国,弗吉尼亚州,克林奇科 逝世日期 2009-06-17 身份 演员 星座 双鱼座 展开详细资料 作品...
增改资料和作品 出生日期:1923年3月13日 去世日期:2009年6月17日 出生地:美国,弗吉尼亚州,克林奇科 更多外文名:Shifty Powers IMDb编号:nm1090976 职业: 关注0人关注 推荐 人物简介 ··· 暂无 图片· ···(全部 0 张·上传照片)
CROSSFIT "SHIFTY" POWERS HEALTHY LIFESTYLES EXPO HOSTED BY THE CRAZY 8S ROAD RACE & FUN FEST JULY 12, 2014 | 5 PM TILL MIDNIGHT | J. FRED JOHNSON STADIUM Crossfit "Shifty" Powers & the Crazy 8s Road Race will present the Healthy Lifestyles Expo during the Crazy 8s Road Race on July ...
Darrel 'Shifty' Powers电影全集,Darrel 'Shifty' Powers生平介绍,Darrel 'Shifty' Powers写真图片,Darrel 'Shifty' Powers获得奖项。1905电影网_1905.com
Redskin2805Shifty_Powers93 戰地快報 Shifty_Powers93 僅跟好友分享。
As a boy growing up in the remote mining town of Clincho, Virginia, Shifty Powers’s goal was to become the best rifle shot he could be. His father trained him to listen to the woods, to “see” without his eyes. Little did Shifty know his finely-tuned skills would one day save ...