Pronouns must agree with their antecedent, which is the noun or pronoun being replaced. Pronouns must agree in gender, person, and number. Agreement in person refers to the pronoun showing consistent relationships between the participants in the event. Read Correcting Inappropriate Shifts in Pronouns...
Illogical Shifts in Tense, Person, Number, and Voice A shift occurs anytime a writer changes tense, person, number, or voice. As you write and revise, be sure that any shifts you make are logical. An illogical shift occurs when a writer changes tense, person, number, or voice for no ...
pronounshift •Apronounshiftisagrammaticalerrorinwhichtheauthorstartsasentence,paragraph,orsectionofapaperusingoneparticulartypeofpronounandthensuddenlyshiftstoanother.Thisoftenconfusesthereader.•Themostcommonshiftisfromthirdpersonnounsandpronouns(he/she/it/they)tosecondpersonpronounsyou/your/yours.However,some...
Answer and Explanation: The pronoun shifts in Margaret Atwood'sThe Edible Womanreflect the protagonist Marian's sense of self. Midway through the novel, Marian feels that... Learn more about this topic: Margaret Atwood | Biography, Poems & Novels ...
Agreement in person for pronouns refers to the pronoun being consistent with the antecedent in terms of person. For instance, if the antecedent is in first person, the pronoun must be, too. Look back at the previous example: Bob threw me the baseball. He threw it too hard. Shifts...