✅ 短暂体验 vs. 永久离开 • 进入其他维度体验是可能的,就像做清明梦(Lucid Dream)一样,或像冥想、星际投影(Astral Projection)。 • 但如果有人说“永久留在 DR”,并且三维身体变成“NPC”了,那就非常可疑。 ✅ 意识扩展 vs. 意识劫持 • 真正的高维体验 是意识扩展,你可以进入高维体验信息,然后带...
There are multiple levels of shifting, from the purely spiritual levels attained through Self perception and usually related to astral projection/travel to dream working, auric work, shamanic journeying and shapeshifting, mentally shifting, and finally using it as a term for conducting deep personal ...
Your mind, pure as crystal clear water, mysterious like stardust, and powerful like nothing ever seen always intuitively guides you through your path of my desired realities 你的心灵,纯净如水晶般清澈的水,神秘如星尘,强大如前所未见,总是直观地引导你走上我想要的现实之路 Your mind your own best fr...
It could be the single biggest breakthrough you have in your entire life so far. Click the button to go to our secure order form page, enter your details, and you’ll be able to download Shifting Vibrations instantly. You’re protected by our 60 day money back guarantee, so there’s ...
• 进入其他维度体验是可能的,就像做清明梦(Lucid Dream)一样,或像冥想、星际投影(Astral Projection)。 • 但如果有人说“永久留在 DR”,并且三维身体变成“NPC”了,那就非常可疑。 ✅ 意识扩展 vs. 意识劫持 • 真正的高维体验 是意识扩展,你可以进入高维体验信息,然后带回三维现实。