tender for supply installation testing and commissioning of infrastructure for shifting of ht lt network and existing sub stations due to widening of road from seema morh rajouri to bgsb university under languising proijects on turnkey basis
Electric Vehicles and Their Used Batteries for Peak-Load Shifting Muhammad Aziz *, Takuya Oda, Takashi Mitani, Yoko Watanabe and Takao Kashiwagi Solutions Research Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2-12-1 Ookayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8550, Japan; E-Mails: oda@ssr.titech.ac.jp (T...
metals Article Development and Application of Asynchronous Roll Shifting Strategy of Double Attenuation Work Roll in Hot Rolling Zhaoyang Li 1,2, Guanyu Zhou 3, Chihuan Yao 3, Shuhuan Wang 1,*, Zhi Qi 3, Lantian Guo 3, Dingguo Zhao 1 and Anrui He 3 1 School of Metallurgy and Energy,...
nanomaterials Article Laser Ablation of Silicon Nanoparticles and Their Use in Charge-Coupled Devices for UV Light Sensing via Wavelength-Shifting Properties Algirdas Lazauskas 1,* , Dovile˙ Gimžauskaite˙ 2, Mindaugas Ilickas 1 , Liutauras Marcinauskas 2 , Mindaugas Aikas 2, Brigita Aba...