The bun agricultural practice of the Khasi and Jaintia tribes of Meghalaya in Northeast India based on traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) offers an interesting example of sustainable agriculture and food production. An overview of the traditional bun cultivation practices and its modifications ...
Chapter 16 - Shifting cultivation in the East Garo Hills, Meghalaya (India) - : an Earth observation perspective Water, Land, and Forest Susceptibility and Sustainability 2023, Pages 439-458 Purchase options CorporateFor R&D professionals working in corporate organizations. Academic and personalFor aca...
In these regions, this system of cultivation is at subsistence level. For the study, the area selected is the East Garo Hills district in Meghalaya, one of the states in the region. In the study, a probe is made on the dynamics of parameters, temperature, and rainfall data. The period...
The Garos of Meghalaya, India are traditionally shifting cultivators. In the hilly terrain where they leave they have made the best use of the land available to them. But the dominant perspective on shifting cultivation has influenced policies which discourage them from continuing shifting cultivatio...
2010. Rehabilitation of shifting cultivation areas through agroforestry: a case study in eastern Himalaya, India. A study was carried out for 10 years (1992-2002) in Meghalaya, India, involving seven multipurpose tree species, viz. Acacia auriculiformis, Alnus nepalensis, Bauhinia purpurea, Ex...
modified land-use systems such as agriculture, agri-horti-silvi-pastoral, natural forest, livestock-based land use, natural fallow, and the locally most prevalent shifting cultivation system at the Indian Council of Agricultural Research Complex for Northeastern Hill Region, Umiam, Meghalaya, India....
Yadav, P.K., Sharma, K. and Mishra, A.K. 2013. Geospatial modeling to assess geo-morphological risk for relentless shifting cultivation in Garo hills of Meghalaya, northeast India. I J Env. 2:92-104.Yadav PK, Sarma K, Mishra AK (2013) Geospatial modeling to assess geomorphological risk...
nbspIrya ChangsanIJEDR(, R.S., Barik, S.K., 2003. Shifting Cultivation in North East India. Proc. Approaches for increasing agricultural productivity in hill und mountain ecosystem. ICAR research complex for NEH region, Umiam, Meghalaya, India....
Most of the repetitions were found in Meghalaya, Manipur, Nagaland, and Mizoram states. This pattern indicated a higher alteration in shifting cultivation patches than repetition over any specific area (Figure 7). Figure 7. Repetition map of shifting Cultivation areas demonstrated that overall there...
2005. Changes in microbial biomass and activity in relation to shifting cultivation and horticultural practices in subtropical evergreen forest ecosystem of north-east India[J]. Acta Oecologica, 28: 163-172.V. Ralte, H. N. Pandey, S. K. Barik, R. S. Tripathy and S. D. Prabhu, "...