Some shares about my life, my work, and what our souls may be up to … Read More… August Vol 17, Issue 1: Open Your Eyes, the Gift is All Around You I hope you and yours are doing ok during these shift times. As I draw thoughts and feelings out of folks from across the ...
How can we be angry about culture or politics and not sin? Comment4Share Tweet Share Pin It email Raise your hand if you feel like you live in a time where people love empty words and seek after lies. Where the honor of seeking to follow Jesus and listen to his Word is turned to ...
You deeply have to feel the pain at the core of your being to fully purge the shadow self in order to restore balance, wholeness, and break/release any toxic patterns/energies and codependencies. Nothing ever happens TO you, it happens FOR you. And boy oh boy, have I had some great...
We have passed along your thoughts to the appropriate franchise partner. 1.01.0星,满分5星。 Job is the worst Journey Leader (在职员工) - Washington, DC - 2019年5月3日 Job sucks doesn’t pay good they are racist managers lie to you they don’t care about you. They are very dis...
There's still a decent chance to not OHKO the opponent, and instead of sweeping, your Azumarill gets knocked out from a Sludge Bomb. With the Tier Shift boosts, you don't have to worry about that small chance and instead you get a free OHKO. Sure, you could say its a small chance ...
I'm pretty sure you're the first one to complain about Thievul. It most certainly wasn't as broken as PU Rapidash-Galar, which was one of the best Pokemon in Tier Shift. Can you please back up your claim to why it's broken? Last edited: Jun 12, 2020 Reactions: Ztest and avy...
Vision is a tricky thing, Lots of times we’re featuring “vision” that results in automotive versions of the Toxic Avenger and other times, like this one we’re celebrating someone’s perfectly executed concept that we’d kill to own. This 1973 hemi powered Duster was built back in the...
I decided to go with Light Clay on an Offensive Spread, so that it can create switch-in opportunities for other teammates without sacrificing its ability to chip and break down the walls that stand in the way of your sweepers, even using Toxic in the last slot to wear down any Ice/Water...