Shiftwork, in particular night work, causes disruption of biological rhythms, perturbation of social and family life, with a negative influence on performance efficiency, health and social well-being. Deterioration of health can manifest in the short-term as sleep disorders, jet-lag syndrome and ...
workLiteraturereviewCancerMetabolicReproductionCardiovascularWe examined previously published systematic review studies on associations between shift work and health, using the PubMed (MEDLINE) database for our literature search. We eventually selected 30 studies: 2 studies on sleep disorders, 7 on cancer,...
Health consequences of shift work and insufficient sleep. BMJ 355:i5210. G, Axelsson J. Health consequences of shift work and insufficient sleep. BMJ. 2016;355:i5210. https://doi. org/10.1136/bmj.i5210....
Working for any long period in a shift work setting is known to have profound effects on people. Including sleep disturbance, physical health deterioration and a big impact on Mental Health. These effects can lead not only to prolonged health consequences, but also to safety risks within the wo...
Shiftwork is an occupational health risk of growing significance because it is becoming more common and because of its potential influence on health outcomes, possibly increasing health differences between workers of higher vs lower socioeconomic status. A new study from the University of Wisconsin Sch...
Peoplewhostartworkoutsideoftheregularnine-to-fiveareatahigherriskofpoormentalhealth.在朝九晚五之外开始工作的人心理健康状况不佳的风险更高。AnewstudyofUKworkershasfoundthatthosewhoworkshiftsaremorelikelytosufferfromanxietyanddepression.一项针对英国工人的新研究发现,轮班工作的人更容易患上焦虑和抑郁。Smoking, ...
Figure. Study Design for Rotating Night Shift Work and Healthy Aging in the Nurses’ Health Study View LargeDownload Participants who were free of major chronic diseases in 1988 were followed up for 24 years in the primary analysis (1988-2012; n = 46 318; age range at baseline, 46...
This article examines the potential confounding of observed relations between shiftwork and health outcomes by differences in the jobs typically carried out by shiftworkers and dayworkers. Objective factors (daywork vs. day/night shiftwork and job type) and work perceptions (job demand, discretion,...
Background and Objective: Shift work is a major feature of working life that affects diverse aspects of human life. The objective of this study was to investigate shift work-related health problems and their associated risk factors among employees of petrochemical industries.Subjects and Methods: Thi...
Shift workers have a higher rate of negative health outcomes than day shift workers. Few studies however, have examined the role of difference in workplace environment between shifts itself on such health measures. This study investigated variation in organizational climate across different types of sh...