In order clearly to display the shift of Raman peak position with temperature, the Raman spectra normalized brObeyendcte-ohsmcehaiienfnsttaowelfnseaosaliklftiyRnwoadimftthohavtanhetrpetlheainapekcpcrseoedwnatsiprteheiboaiukfnttcoieorfmenEapso21eigfnra2agnLttudAerm2e(M,LpwAe)hr(maMilteou)dromeen...
In Figure 14c, the color of the stained glass becomes red. There is little brightness change in Figure 14d. Figure 14e shows the chair, but the left and right sides of the image are still dark. In Figure 14f, the brightness is increased, but the noise in the dark area is also ...
cdtwsrehilnaitlieTveftOlyhHesl-omTwFalAyi,nc(oFpmigrpouadrreeudSct2tos), danedtected wereppeepptitdide-eO-THCs sininTFTACo-TnflyO(HFi-gTuFrAe S(1S).chTheme 1e,22-eAli,mB)in, apteiopntipdreo-gTreFsAseaddrdeluatcitvseliynsTlofwOlHy,-cToFmAp(aFreigdutore S2), and peptide-OHs in...