Recover button on the toolbar of Recovery for Access or [...] 要创建日志文件,请按住Shift键的同时点击访问或选择恢复恢复工具栏上的恢复按钮:在主菜单中的项目。 You can file selection ...
sequential items,clickonthe first desired item and then while holding downtheShiftkeyon the computer keyboard,clickonthe last desired item. 要选择多个相连的项目,请单击第一个所需的项目,然后按住计算机键盘上的Shift 键并单击最后一个所需的项目。
Alternative spelling of [i]Shift (“the modifier button of computer keyboards”)[/i] noun (computing) a bit shift noun (baseball) The infield shift. noun (Ireland, crude slang, often with the definite article, usually uncountable) The act of sexual petting. noun (archaic) A contrivanc...
2.A key on a computer keyboard that, when depressed, allows uppercase letters and certain special characters to be typed or changes the function of another concurrently depressed key or button. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton...
aTo the lower right is a shift-button that enables an alternative mode for the soft-keys and in certain contexts the functions of the arrow keys. 在更低的右边是起动一个供选择的方式为软钥匙和在某些上下文箭头的作用的转移按钮。[translate]...
now click the button “calculate the unknown” to get the result step 3: finally, the wavelength in front of the moving source will be displayed in the output field what is meant by doppler shift? in physics, doppler shift also known as the doppler effect is defined as the change in ...
The popularity of Facebook has caused a shift in how people realize themselves: the “like” button has become nothing more than a self-esteem (自尊) booster. 【1】 It can take years and years, but there are shortcuts you can use to achieve it.【2】. You’re not arrogant (自大的)...
移位键 noun key on a personal computer or terminal keyboard [..] en.wiktionary.org_2014 类似于 "Shift key" 的短语,可翻译成 中文 phase-shift keying 相位偏移調變 添加示例 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“Shift key"翻译成 中文 变形 干 匹配词 所有 精确 任何 An independent time code is tr...
A. button B. power sockets C. armrest D. tray table 查看完整题目与答案 Why don't you tell me___? A. what order is that B. what that order is C. what is that order D. that what is order 查看完整题目与答案 THE ACT OF CHECKING WHO OF THE PASSENGERS AND CREW...
holding downtheSHIFT key,andthen drag over to the matrix window ontherightwhile holding downtherightmouse button. 为了一次性选择多个或者全部的灯具,在按下 SHIFT 按键的同时单击您想添加的第一个和最后一个等级,然 后在按下鼠标右键的同时拖放至右侧的阵列窗口上。